
Baby Apps

Free / Libre Android apps for young babies

BabyDots menerima AU$0,37 setiap minggu dari 1 sponsor.
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Baby Apps exists because parents should have access to high quality free software apps to help with their little ones. Any sponsorship will be used to help motivate development.

Baby Dots is a sensory app for young babies. For very young babies, the it provides interesting visual and musical stimuli. For slightly older babies/toddlers, they can interact with the coloured dots by touching.

Baby Phone is a pretend phone dialer to let your little toddler pretend to talk to others on the phone.


Lihat pembagian pendapatan

Akun yang Dihubungkan

BabyDots memiliki akun berikut di platform lain:


babyphone Bintang 17 Diperbarui 2 minggu yang lalu

A pretend phone app for little people who want to practice talking to others.

babydots Bintang 40 Diperbarui 2 bulan yang lalu

Sensory app for young babies


BabyDots bergabung 4 tahun yang lalu.

Pendapatan Per Minggu (dalam Dolar Australia)

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Halaman ini berisi teks terjemahan mesin yang belum ditinjau dan mungkin tidak akurat. Anda dapat berkontribusi.