

Game Palour

Tujuan alwymj adalah untuk menerima US$100,00 per minggu.
Donasi   PayPal


Hello Everyone, I am writting this in absolute desparation for any support. I am a Game Palour owner from Mombasa, Kenya, Covid-19 has affected my business greatly and I am in dire need for your help. Donations of PSN gift cards , Playstation game download codes or any assistance will be greatly appreciated. I had nine employees Pre-Covid 19 but was forced to reduce them to three. Your help will give relief to my business and assist me to rehire my previous staff as they have been pleeding with me for help as they and their families have been affected.

Thank You


alwymj bergabung 3 tahun yang lalu.

Pendapatan Per Minggu (dalam Dolar Amerika Serikat)

Jumlah penyokong per minggu

Halaman ini berisi teks terjemahan mesin yang belum ditinjau dan mungkin tidak akurat. Anda dapat berkontribusi.