
Harald Eilertsen

Free software development, security testing and translations.

kodeknekkeriet menerima NOK0,00 setiap minggu dari 0 sponsor.
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I will contribute development time, translations and security testing for free software projects.

Current priorities:

  • Hubzilla (Repo | Open MR's)
    • Rework help system, fixing long standing bugs, and improve performance and maintainability.
    • Improve performance, and add framework for performance testing.
    • Improved framework for automated tests, and increase test coverage. (Mostly done, more tests needed.)
    • Add support for Hubzilla in Sandcastles for better interop testing of fediverse software. (On hold)
  • HeavyMetal.no
    • New website using WordPress
    • Create custom theme for heavymetal.no
    • Migration script to migrate articles from old CMS


kodeknekkeriet bergabung 10 bulan yang lalu.

Pendapatan Per Minggu (dalam Krone Norwegia)

Jumlah penyokong per minggu

Halaman ini berisi teks terjemahan mesin yang belum ditinjau dan mungkin tidak akurat. Anda dapat berkontribusi.