Avatar Hosting Costs.

Tujuan adalah untuk menerima US$20,00 per minggu.
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Deskripsi is a member of the IRCNOW network of independent servers. The primary goal is Freedom Of the Users, By the Users, For the Users.

As part of the IRCNOW network, we operate one of the main servers, and one of the virtualization hosts in the network. The goals of this network include providing documentation, support, and training to users who wish to learn to run and manage their own network servers.

Riwayat bergabung 2 tahun yang lalu.

Pendapatan Per Minggu (dalam Dolar Amerika Serikat)

Jumlah penyokong per minggu

Halaman ini berisi teks terjemahan mesin yang belum ditinjau dan mungkin tidak akurat. Anda dapat berkontribusi.