
administering - a BiPOC fediverse server

fyrfli menerima US$2,27 setiap minggu dari 2 sponsor. Tujuan: US$10,00
Donasi   Kartu Pembayaran Debit Langsung


"" is glitch-soc fediverse server, envisioned as a space for the diaspora - the displaced - the sidelined - the marginalised.

For a while, now, I have wanted to set up an instance as an option for BiPOC folks on the fediverse to move out of wholly white-controlled instances onto an instance that understands, supports, and protects us. For several reasons, that wish has not gotten off the ground because of a variety of issues. But now is the time to carve out our own space where we do our thing without the often punitive gaze of whiteness.

That said, I am a disabled black immigrant woman, so funds are an issue. This is a way for you to help me maintain this space.

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fyrfli memiliki 1 sponsor publik.



fyrfli bergabung 2 tahun yang lalu.

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